Early Intervention

Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion each year by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions.
— Mental Health Council of Australia

Creating a safe and healthy workplace is crucial for all workers.

Early Identification of Psychological Risks: We help employers and employees to recognise the signs and sources of psychological stress, distress, and injury in the workplace. We use evidence-based screening tools and interviews to identify the level and nature of psychosocial risks and provide timely feedback and recommendations.

Prevention and Promotion: We help workplaces to create and maintain a psychologically healthy and safe work environment. We provide training, consultation, and guidance on how to prevent and manage psychological hazards, promote positive mental health, and foster a culture of wellbeing and resilience.

Workplace Accommodations: We conduct in-depth evaluations of employees who have disclosed ADHD, other neurodivergence, or mental illness. Our assessments include validation of diagnosis, symptom measurement, and evaluation of the impact on work performance and wellbeing. We provide tailored guidance on reasonable accommodations that can support employees in performing their job duties effectively and comfortably. This may include changes in work schedule, job duties, or work environment, taking into account the employee’s unique strengths, challenges and the workplace environment.